Sober Living Facilities have rules to maintain a safe environment for all residents. For example, there may be a rule prohibiting visitors from coming in and out at night or another rule could limit the number of visitors who can come in at one time. These rules are put into place to create an atmosphere that is drug-free, more inclusive and more flexible than an institutional setting.
Having rules gives residents the familiarity of structure, which they may not have had before. Rules also give residents a reason to stop using substances since they know their consequences. Here are the types of rules sober living facilities have.
Sober living facilities usually have curfews, so residents have a set time to be in the housing facility. The purpose of this rule is to help maintain a quiet environment and help residents from spending too much time outside the facility.
If a resident does not return home by the curfew time, staff may try and contact them or send an escort to bring them back. If residents need to stay out later, special arrangements will get made with staff members.
No Visitors after Curfew Time
Many sober living facilities state that no visitors are allowed after curfew. The purpose behind this rule is to help ensure the safety of everyone living in the facility. This rule helps keep residents away from friends and people they may want to use substances with.
No Alcohol
Many sober living facilities have rules against residents bringing alcohol or drugs onto the premises. This implementation of the rule is to help ensure that all residents are drug-free while living at the facility. If residents violate this rule, the requirement is to move out housing facility, depending on the situation and severity of the violation.
No Cell Phones
Some sober housing facilities do not allow residents to have cell phones in their possession while living on-site. This rule is put into place to help prevent residents from being distracted while trying to go through the process of getting sober. Staff members can more easily help residents experiencing relapse or withdrawal symptoms by having no cell phones on hand.
No Smoking
Many sober living facilities state that smoking on the property is not allowed. This rule aims to help ensure that all residents can live in a healthy environment without smoking and avoid as many health risks as possible.
No Pets
Some sober living facilities state that pets are not allowed. This rule gets implemented to help create a drug-free environment for residents who may be susceptible to relapse if exposed to animals. By banning pets, residents are less likely to get distracted by their pets and focus on their recovery.
No Violent Behavior or Behavior that Causes Disturbances
There are also rules to help eliminate violence or disruptive behavior. If a resident is violent, they get asked to leave and placed in a more conducive setting.
No Illegal Activity on the Property
There are also rules to help ensure that residents are not engaged in illegal or disruptive activity. If any illegal activity gets observed, residents may also get asked to leave and go to a more appropriate living situation.
No Missed Appointments
Many sober living facilities have a rule against missing scheduled appointments. This rule is put into place to help ensure that residents do not miss any of their regularly scheduled doctor’s appointments for recovery or other activities.
These are just some rules that sober living facilities have. Whether you transition into sober living on your own or with the help of family and friends, this environment will be strict but very beneficial for your recovery. Don’t hesitate to contact us at 732-392-7311 for more information if you have questions about whether you are ready to live in a sober facility.