Rehabilitation is a process that helps restore or improve a person’s everyday life abilities. You may have heard of it being used to treat substance abuse, mental health issues, or physical injuries. Self-rehabilitation is restoring a person’s safety and personal integrity after an addictive behavior problem has been identified. It includes peer support groups and treatment options for drug and alcohol use disorders. With self-rehabilitation, you can still maintain your sobriety while getting the support you need from others in this approach.
Self-rehabilitation Stages
Admitting You Have a Problem
Self-rehabilitation starts with individuals recognizing that they have an issue and are ready to address it. It’s essential to be honest about your level of problems and realize that it will benefit you to change your behavior. Taking the first step to recovery by admitting you need help is one of the hardest things people face when trying to stop their addictive behaviour. However, it takes courage to admit that you have a problem and need help. It may take time for someone to admit they have a substance abuse disorder, but sometimes just acknowledging that there is a problem is the first step in the self-rehabilitation process. Professionals can help prevent relapse and improve recovery by providing treatment options and resources for those entering recovery.
Getting a Support System
Along with understanding that you have a problem, the next step is getting a support system. A support system is made up of peers who are ready to help individuals change their behavior. This phase aims to create a safe environment where recovering individuals can get the help they need and share their experiences with others. It takes commitment to stay on track, but with time people realize how important it is to form this group of friends. That way, they will understand that organization in the first phase can make the difference between relapse and recovery. Staying accountable for oneself and having responsibility for others in your life will give you the confidence to stay off drugs. Other benefits of a support system include:
- Learning more about yourself
- Setting small goals
- Making changes in your life
Beginning the Journey
This phase of self-rehabilitation is about using the support system to help you stay sober. You go along with any treatment you may need, and with time you will gain the confidence to quiet. With self-rehabilitation, you will learn how to:
- Manage stress
- Work on your relationships
- Build a life without drugs and alcohol
It takes a strong will to follow these steps in recovery, but anyone can make the change in their lifestyle needs. It’s all about having a plan for change before deciding to quit. With the help of a self-rehabilitation program, one can develop the ability to stop using drugs or alcohol. Individuals must make the change in their life and work on any problems they are having.
Maintaining Change
This phase involves studying and understanding how to maintain your sobriety. It also affects people experiencing emotional changes that may come with their recovery. This phase’s goal is for people to work or get a job to help pay for their addiction or drug treatment. I also support the patients learning to live without drugs and alcohol in their life because they are now sober. Self-rehabilitation is about improving your life, not just getting off drugs. Some of the steps that might help you in this phase include
- Changing your environment
- Identifying your triggers
- Create new friends
- Understanding the importance of your sobriety
Improving your life is possible by taking the proper steps before you think about stopping your addiction. These steps help prevent relapse and give individuals a way to build their lives with confidence and sobriety. Y There are support groups available, and they can help people understand that it is possible to stop using drugs or alcohol in their life. Self-rehabilitation is an approach to recovery that provides the support needed to achieve sobriety. People must understand how they can make their lives better. They must research and find an excellent self-rehabilitation program to help them work during this recovery phase. Our counselors are available 24 hours; contact us at 732-392-7311.