A 12-step program is an approach to addiction recovery. It is often used by individuals who have suffered from alcoholism and addiction to other drugs. The goal of a 12-step program is not just sobriety but also healing and spiritual growth through the support of like-minded individuals. Following this path can require intense determination, and some say it takes decades for those in recovery to understand the process thoroughly.
Steps to Recovery for Addiction
Admit You are an Addict
It is essential, to be honest with oneself and to accept the truth. This step is complex, and many people struggle with it in the early stages of sobriety. Many believe they can “handle” drinking or using drugs without becoming an addict. They may still see themselves as just a casual or social user. The process of delving into one’s past experiences and motivations, such as childhood traumas, is part of the recovery process.
Make Amends
This step involves making amends for any harm done directly or indirectly through substance abuse. There is value in taking the time to reflect fully on the impact of one’s addiction. It can help transform behaviours and thought patterns common in addicts.
Complete an Assessment
Assessments are used for various reasons, including determining eligibility for treatment, finding appropriate treatment options and evaluating progress. It is essential to explore all treatment options that may be available so that the best possible care can be received.
Have a Sponsor
Sponsors help those in recovery by offering support, advice and guidance. It can include taking the time to listen when it may be hard for others to do so. Sponsors share their experiences and help people in recovery remain focused on the task.
Practice the 12 Steps
Many people struggle with recovery and may wonder what to do next. They may be unsure whether they are, in fact, an alcoholic or a drug addict. They often feel they have nothing to worry about because others have already been through the same things. The 12 steps of recovery are guidelines that can help anyone trying to stop using drugs and alcohol and be free from addiction.
Adhere to a Program
Twelve-step programs require members to adhere to specific rules and regulations to keep the program running smoothly. Many people leave programs feeling as if they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. They think the program is simply a way of life they must learn to embrace. The 12 steps are outlined in many different forms because they can be adapted according to the needs of an individual’s specific recovery experience.
Adhere to Abstinence
The number one rule in any 12-step program is abstinence from drugs or alcohol for mental and physical health reasons. It is essential for addicts who fail at other steps to use medications and treatment programs like anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications with extreme care. These medications can cause severe addiction problems if not used properly.
Adhere to Emptying
Emptying is a term used in 12 step programs to get rid of anything that might remind someone of their addiction, such as old bottles or other drug paraphernalia. This empty feeling is perceived as healthy, allowing an individual to move forward and embrace life anew. The 12 Steps of Recovery can be a tool that allows an individual to live a sober lifestyle, free from the limitations that addiction may have placed on them. It can be a life-changing event and help people feel whole again. With the proper guidance and support, people in recovery should be able to find new meaning in life. Contact us at 732-392-7311 to learn more about our program and how it can help you recover from addiction.